Milí čitatelia, aj keď nemám vo zvyku nakupovať veci cez internet (okrem kníh), rada si prezerám rôzne stránky a objavujem nové obchody. Za poslednú dobu sa mi nahromadilo pár vecí, ktoré ma veľmi zaujali a ktoré by sa mi páčilo vlastniť. Väčšinou sú to veci na leto a teplé slnečné počasie. Keď už hovorím o počasí, stále sa v Taliansku tešíme z horúcich letných dní. Za chvíľku to tu však na mesiac opustím, v piatok sa vraciam späť domov, kde strávim skoro celý august. Dúfam, že vaše leto a prázdniny pokračujú krásne, napíšte mi najbližšie vaše plány do komentárov. Tiež by ma zaujímalo, ktorý kúsok z môjho wishlistu sa vám najviac páči a aké veci sú na tom vašom?
Dear readers, even if I don't usually buy clothes on the internet, I like watching and discovering new websites and new online shops. Recently I have managed to collect some things that I really like. Most of these items are perfect for summertime. Speaking about summer, in Italy we enjoy a lovely and very hot weather. But very soon I will leave Italy for a whole month of August because I am going back home to visit my family and friends. I hope you are having a beautiful summer, tell me your plans for the nearest future. I want to know also which item from my wishlist is your favourite and what things do you have on yours?
Dear readers, even if I don't usually buy clothes on the internet, I like watching and discovering new websites and new online shops. Recently I have managed to collect some things that I really like. Most of these items are perfect for summertime. Speaking about summer, in Italy we enjoy a lovely and very hot weather. But very soon I will leave Italy for a whole month of August because I am going back home to visit my family and friends. I hope you are having a beautiful summer, tell me your plans for the nearest future. I want to know also which item from my wishlist is your favourite and what things do you have on yours?
Topshop sundress dress, €61 / ASOS short shorts, €46 / Topshop mini skirt, €50 / Topshop leopard print shoes, €63 / ASOS black bag, €90 / BDG Camille Washed Waistcoat - Urban Outfitters, €135