Milí čitatelia, vyzerá to tak, že tá pravá zima nakoniec naozaj prišla. Na Vianoce sa nám o snehu ani len nesnívalo, až posledných pár dní skoro nepretržite sneží. Ako je to u vás? Zajtra sa chystáme na predĺžený víkend do Španej doliny, kam sa veľmi teším a dúfam, že spravím nejaké pekné fotky. Vy aký máte plán na víkend?
Dear readers, it seems like the "real" winter finally arrived. At Christmas there was not a sign of snow but in the last few days it has been snowing like crazy. How is the situation in your city/state? Tomorrow we are going on a long weekend to Špania dolina (valley) where I am excited to go and I hope I will take some good photos. Do you have plans for the weekend?