Drahí čitatelia, ešte som nebola poriadne ani doma a už som stihla nákupy. Keď som v sobotu ráno pricestovala domov, s mamkou, ktorá pre mňa prišla sme sa nemohli nezastaviť v našich obľúbených obchodoch. A jedným z nich je aj parfuméria Dougles, kde sme tentokrát nechali viac peňazí než sme predpokladali. Čo vám naposledy urobilo radosť?
Dear readers, when I came home on Saturday morning, me and my mom went to our favourite shops. One of them is the parfumerie Dougles, where we spent more money than we thought. What have recently made you happy?
Zatiaľ som všetky produkty nevyskúšala, takže vám nemôžem povedať svoj úprimný názor. Ale od Glamglow som už mala možnosť vyskúšať ich Thirstymud Treatment a môžem ho každému doporučiť, bola som s ním nadmieru spokojná. Parfém Chance od Chanel som už mala niekoľkokrát predtým a vždy sa k nemu rada vrátim, pretože sa mi jeho vôňa nesmierne páči a vydrží naozaj celý deň. Od Clinique som už dlho chcela niečo skúsiť a keďže som vypotrebovala svoje čistiace mlieko, rozhodla som sa, že vyskúšam práve to.
I can not give you my honest opinion about these products because I have not had a chance to try them all. But from Glamglow I have already tried their Thirstymud Treatment and I loved it very much. The perfume Chance by Chanel I had before and I every now and then I like to go back to it because I love its smell and it lasts all day. From Clinique I have always wanted to try something and when I ran out of my cleansing milk, I picked that up.
I can not give you my honest opinion about these products because I have not had a chance to try them all. But from Glamglow I have already tried their Thirstymud Treatment and I loved it very much. The perfume Chance by Chanel I had before and I every now and then I like to go back to it because I love its smell and it lasts all day. From Clinique I have always wanted to try something and when I ran out of my cleansing milk, I picked that up.
1. Protein Repair Conditioner by Dougles (here)
2. Powermud Instant "Mud to Oil" Dual Cleanse Treatment by Glamglow (here)
3. Revitalizing Body Peeling by Venus (here)
4. Take The Day Off Cleansing Milk by Clinique (here)
5. Chance Eue Fraiche by Chanel (here)
Ten parfém od Chanel vypadá libově! :O:3
OdpovedaťOdstrániťDenisse Beauty
I love the products.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťLooks so interesting
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